Christian Values – How to Impart Morals in Literature

Guest Post by Jan Verhoeff Do words impact your reader with Christian Values? The most important aspect of writing is moving your audience with words to make a difference. Christian values seep out of literature only when they’re included in the fabric and content of the story, the characters, and the settings that make up

Who Would You Want Ministering To You?

Can we stop for a shared moment of brutal honesty here? Online friends have several times mentioned feeling ignored and disconnected, even shuffled aside by their families, their friends, and especially their churches. The reason? Chronic or severe illness, or just being a little under the weather. They aren’t perfectly well, so… no one sees them as

The True Meaning of Love

Reposted from February 14, 2014: You may have noticed that I’m not pushing a lot of mushy-gushy romantic love on my website– There’s a reason for that! Not everyone enjoys that emphasis to Valentines Day, especially when they don’t have that someone special to share those romantic feelings with! While I’m not into the mushy-gushy side

URGENT: Our Friends Who Want to Scam Us

Update: This is the kind of Valentine I think we’d all rather avoid… Reposted from June 9, 2014: I’ve hesitated to write about this issue because I haven’t wanted to tread on any toes. I’ve decided that it needs to be discussed though, although I’m going to be very careful what I say to avoid offending anyone

Introverts And The Art of Friendship

Reposted from September 16, 2013: A little background: The post was inspired by one of Matt Walsh’s blog posts: I’m An Introvert and I Don’t Need To Come Out of My Shell. Matt raised a lot of good points. The readers who commented on his blog raised even more. I started to respond, but the response

Just Call Him Yee Haw! He’ll Understand

Reposted from September 9, 2013: I got into a theological discussion (two years ago now) with a friend. (and some of you are saying, “Uh oh!) It was a friendly discussion! Really! She wanted to know why some people write God’s name as G_d. I don’t know for sure. I have some ideas on it though… My

How Do You Define Trust?

Reposted from August 21, 2013: Trust is a delicate thing, and yet it makes the world go round. We can’t live without trust. Our economy is built on trust. Relationships live or die on trust. Marriage, peace treaties, and trade agreements all are made possible by trust that the parties involved will honor their agreements.

What Brings You Happiness?

Reposted from June 20, 2013: A friend, Diane Graham, took objection to a slideshow someone else made of things that make women happy. While I understand her objection; many of the items pictured and discussed were very shallow; I can also understand how simple things can be an uncomplicated source of happiness. And I thought–why

The Bible Is Not A Picky-eater Buffet

Reposted from May 29, 2013: The Bible is not a picky-eater buffet; the Bible is a 66 course meal. My credentials that are relevant to this post: I graduated from Columbia International University in Columbia, SC with a degree in Bible. When you’re eating at a buffet, you get to choose which dishes you’re going

Waiting on God’s Provision

Re-posted from May 9, 2013: My current word count has broken 77,000 words. When I was in great difficulty several years ago, it seemed that God didn’t hear my prayers. Yet all the time, He was listening and providing, and when I reached that darkest hour where I had nowhere left to turn, He was