Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts In A Hurry

Perilous Artifacts: In A Hurry As the steamer approached the Academy, Pieter once again repeated his offer to keep Harry in honeycomb for the next year, but Harry slowed to a stop and jumped out to open the boot. “A honeycomb in the hand is worth more than promises of payment later. And you’ll owe

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Bold As Brass

Perilous Artifacts: Bold As Brass “Hurry, man,” Pieter urged as he abandoned the running board for the jump seat behind Harry. “I’ll pay you well if you take us straight to Mother.” Olive quickly laid a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Don’t listen to him, Harry. I need to change my costume! I can’t be seen

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Unexpected Arrivals

Perilous Artifacts: Unexpected Arrivals Fifteen minutes later, she hefted her sack and called out, “Whatever you’ve got will have to be enough. Cook will be pleased we’ve brought her as much as we have.” They reached the steamer just as a phaeton pulled up. A natty young gentleman dressed from head to toe in dove

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Vernise Bees

Perilous Artifacts: Vernise Bees Pieter called up from below her, “I’m in position. Shall I pull you in closer toward the hive?” “Aye. But when I say, ‘Tie up,” I want you to secure the rope to that bush directly below the hive, and then I want you to ascend to help Harry.” “But then

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Dressed for Success

Perilous Artifacts: Dressed for Success Pieter gabbled an inarticulate sound of protest, but Olive shook her head at him. She swiveled in her seat and demanded, “Can’t this rust bucket go any faster?” Harry gunned the engine and honked the horn at the produce truck trundling along ahead of them. With a loud steamy hiss,

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Honey Comes First

Perilous Artifacts: Honey Comes First The slag glass roof of the lane arched overhead, high enough up that even the largest waste removal lorries and the tall streetcars could pass with ease. Every noise echoed redoubled off the rough glass walls, from the fishmonger’s cries of “Fresh fish ten pence apiece!” to the bootblack’s curt

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts Olive Goes Out

Perilous Artifacts: Olive Goes Out Ten stories deep on the south side of Glasburyton in the poorest sept of the city, Olive tugged at the set of her jacket one last time, brushed a hand over the oddments attached to her belt, making them jingle, and readjusted her hatpin. In the flickering light of the

Perilous Artifacts: a steampunk serial by Krystine Kercher

Perilous Artifacts A Steampunk Adventure

Perilous Artifacts: A Steampunk Adventure Perilous Artifacts is one of my works in progress that has been languishing on the story pile for a while. But now–I want to finish it. Because I believe that blogging should be fun, I thought that I would serialize at least some of this steampunk adventure story for you